Wellington Home Page

Monday, October 28, 2019

October 28, 2019

Monday - PE
Tuesday - Art
Wednesday - STEM
Thursday - Technology
Friday - Non-Rotation SPROUT Day

Upcoming Events & Reminders
October 18-31st - Sprout Fundraiser
**Next Collection day is TOMORROW October 29!
November 1 - SPROUT DAY!
November 5 - Election Day (No School)
November 8 - 1st 9 Weeks Awards at 10:00 am
November 12 - MOD Pizza night for PTA - come out to support out PTA!
November 19, 20, 21 - Tentative Thanksgiving Lunches.
I will let you know a specific date as soon as possible.
November 21 - ELL Dinner
November 27-29 - Thanksgiving Break
December 19 - Wellington Winter Music Program 1:30pm

Weekly Objectives
I can read, write, and identify words digraphs (sh, th, ng)
I can use key details to describe the characters, setting and events in a story.
I can introduce a topic in my writing.
I can add details about my topic.
I can write a simple sentence.
I can identify common and proper nouns and punctuate them in a sentence.
I can add or subtract two numbers by counting on or counting back.
I can tell how to make different parts of a surface lighter or darker.
I can write my letters neatly.

Spelling Words

Sight Words

Use this LINK to sign up for our FALL Conference! I can't wait to share with you all
the extraordinary things your students do in class!

Our Story Book Character day is Thursday, October 31. We have fun activities planned
on this day. If you would be able to help out in planning
or coming in to volunteer we would LOVE the help!
Here is a link with further information and where to sign up!
Click HERE Please!

Information went home
last week about dressing up - here is that information:

Sprout Permission form:
Please let me know if you need the permission slip sent home again.  I must have this for our SPROUT day on Friday!

Have a super week!

Monday, October 21, 2019

October 21, 2019

Hi families!

We are officially SPROUTING again! Wellington is raising money for much needed additional equipment for our playground! We are looking to expand our play area and include basketball goals and MORE. We would love your help in achieving this goal. Every little bit counts!
Tomorrow is our first collection day - The class with the highest total will earn extra recess AND Popsicles on SPROUT day (November 1). Not to mention that the class with the highest total gets to also Put a PIE IN MY FACE!!! I can't wait to earn this reward for our sweet class, I know they would love to have this reward and they are so deserving. Let's raise the highest total in first grade families!!
Send in this portion of the SPROUT packet. (If you have lost it please still send in! I'll add your students total to our class total.)

I also need this permission slip back ASAP. This allows your student to participate in SPROUT day on November 1. Sprout day is a fun filled day of activities that offer students a chance to try out many activities to see if they would be interested!

It's fall conference time! I have a full day planned on November 5 (election day) as well as some other dates available. If these dates don't work please just email me and we'll make a plan for conference. I love getting to talk with you about your student and their progress so please take a moment to use this link below to find a time to meet! FALL CONFERENCE

Monday - ART
Tuesday - STEM
Wednesday - TECHNOLOGY
Thursday - LIBRARY
Friday - MUSIC

Upcoming Events & Reminders
WE'RE SPROUTING!! Please fill out your child's permission form for SPROUT day on November 1.
our first round for donations is TOMORROW October 22.
October 18-31st - Sprout Fundraiser
October 22 - School Smiles Dental Van
October 28 - Report Cards go home
November 1 - SPROUT DAY!
November 5 - Election Day (No School)
 Fall Conference date!!  CLICK HERE!
November 8 - Tentative date for 1st 9 Weeks Awards
November 19, 20, 21 - Tentative Thanksgiving Lunches. I will let you know a specific date as soon as possible.
December 19 - Wellington Winter Music Program 1:30pm
Brady and my Mr. Reid.

Look who I found at the Fall Festival!!!
Elin and Camden
 and my monkey Hutton.
And Ashlyn
Lydia and Maya

And Ariq!

Weekly Objectives
I can read, write, and identify words with ending blends.
I can identify key details and the central idea of a text.
I can introduce a topic in my writing.
I can add details about my topic.
I can write a simple sentence.
I can identify and use possessive nouns.
I can add two numbers by counting on.
I can tell how to make different parts of a surface lighter or darker.
I can write my letters neatly.

Spelling Words

Sight Words


Tuesday, October 15, 2019

October 15

Monday - Technology
Tuesday - Library
Wednesday - Music
Thursday - PE
Friday - **This is a Compass Cash Rewards Day!**

Upcoming Events & Reminders
October 17 - Fall Pictures
October 18 - PTA Fall Festival
October 18-31st - Sprout Fundraiser Begins!!!
***The first grade class to raise the most money gets an extra reward***
October 22 - School Smiles Dental Van
October 28 - Report Cards go home
November 1 - SPROUT DAY!
November 5 - Election Day (No School)
***Fall Conference Day***
November 8 - Tentative date for 1st 9 Weeks Awards
November 19, 20, 21 - Tentative Thanksgiving Lunches.
I will let you know a specific date as soon as possible.
December 19 - Wellington Winter Music Program 1:30pm

Reading with our third grade buddies!

Weekly Objectives
I can read, write, and identify short u words.
I can describe characters in a story, using details and illustrations.
I can introduce a topic in my writing.
I can add details about my topic.
I can write a simple sentence.
I can identify singular and plural nouns.
I can describe and make shapes and patterns.
I can add two numbers by counting on.
I can tell how to make different parts of a surface lighter or darker.
I can write my letters neatly.

Spelling Words

Sight Words

Clowning around at recess!

We LOVE the monkey bars!

Monday, October 7, 2019

October 7, 2019

Welcome back!!
I hope you had a wonderful break with families! I went to Outer Banks with my husband and boys. We were all a little under the weather but loved being with family and having a little break!

Monday - Library
Tuesday - Music
Wednesday - PE
Thursday - Art
Friday - STEM

Upcoming Events & Reminders
October 17 - Fall Pictures
October 18 - PTA Fall Festival
October 18-31st - Sprout Fundraiser
October 22 - School Smiles Dental Van
October 28 - Report Cards go home
November 1 - SPROUT DAY!
November 5 - Election Day (No School)
***Save date for fall conferences***
November 8 - Tentative date for 1st 9 Weeks Awards
November 19, 20, 21 - Tentative Thanksgiving Lunches. I will let you know a specific date as soon as possible.
December 19 - Wellington Winter Music Program 1:30pm

Weekly Objectives
I can read, write, and identify short e words (e and ea).
I can identify and describe characters, settings, and events in a text.
I can identify a topic for my writing.
I can write my events in order.
I can write a simple sentence.
I can identify and use common nouns.
I can describe and make shapes and patterns.
I can tell what animals and plants need to survive.
I can write my letters neatly.

Spelling Words

Sight Words


Remind your student to return their PURPLE homework folder on Fridays so I can trade out books. Homework each nigh should be reading with your student, going over sight words (both reading and spelling words) and using their agenda book sentence to talk about something from their day.

I have loved having your special students and getting to know them more and more each week. We are into our guided reading groups firmly so I'm getting to read with students each day and help push our students to reach their goals. Thank you for all of your support through reading together at home and working on those sight words.

We will take weekly math facts quizzes to practice math facts. You may have seen those start coming home. You can use those as a practice. If students don't finish their facts, they will continue on that quiz (+0, +1, +2) until they finish it to continue the practice.

Have a fantastic week, here are some pictures for you to enjoy!
Working out today for our movement break!

Steel Drum band that came to visit us last Wednesday before Fall Break!